February 20, 2015

Have a Happy Weekend

Did you know today is Love Your Pet Day? Well, these guys are sure to get extra love and attention this weekend. I've been teaching all week and the girls finally had a full week of school. However, David did sneak home a couple of times to check on them. AND, Kate is home this weekend so they'll be surrounded by even more love.

Poor Cooper has an ear infection so extra cuddling is necessary. Dante, on the other hand, has made friends with an elephant. He now drags this poor thing through the snow piles and into the house.

I hope you have a great weekend. We'll be dealing with damage control on our roof. Lots of snow and ice has turned into wet ceilings! However, we still might take in a movie or just watch the snow fall.....again. In the meantime, here are some links you may enjoy.

Are you a dog lover, too. Here are some Instagram accounts you may want to follow: Dogs of Instagram, Puppies for All, Nikita the Husky, Happee BettyDon't Know Bo, 614 Husky Squad, All Things Husky, US Dog Lovers, Border Collies of Instagramm. (I know the list is a bit biased.)

Check out this family room makeover. It's filled with lots of color and texture. (This one might have too much color!)

17 quotes that will make you appreciate simple country pleasures.

New York Fashion Week through the eyes of the New York Times.

Are you watching the Oscars this weekend or hosting an Oscar party? Here are some menu ideas to inspire you.

Room arrangements explained. I totally agree.

And for all the cat lovers out there.