October 4, 2016

I Love a Good Read

I can get lost in a bookstore. When I enter, I feel equal parts excitement and anxiety. I am giddy with the possibility of what I’ll find, and overwhelmed by those same possibilities. There are so many books to choose from. And if you like a wide variety of genres, the choices grow exponentially.

If you love to read, supporting your habit is a costly endeavor as well, especially if you buy a new release. And if you’re like me, you’ll have a compulsion to buy both the hard and soft cover versions you deem exceptional and worthy enough to hold a place on your bookshelf while simultaneously stashing the other in the car to read any time you’d like.

Enter the second-hand bookstore. I've been meaning to read several classics, but not willing to make the investment buying new copies. Every time I go to visit Amanda in RI, I am smitten by the over-crowded shelves and floors at Allison B.Goodsell Rare Books. I was able to gift a friend one of my favorite books and chose two titles by Elizabeth Strout for myself. Last weekend, David and I browsed in town at the Kyes-Sage Bookstore, and The Toadstool, saving a small fortune while finding a few titles we were looking for in excellent condition. You see, I’ve become book-buying shy. At one time, I wouldn’t think twice about purchasing a brand new book I truly wanted. Books are my luxury item, and I would rather buy them than anything else. But lately, I’ve been disappointed with several “best-sellers”. A list I usually avoid to a fault. I’ve actually returned a few books over the last couple of months, knowing my money would be better spent elsewhere.

Now I’m back to reading authors who have proven to me that no matter what they write, I know I’m sure to like it much better. (And giving those second-hand bookstores more of my attention.) Because of this, I’ve added a new feature to the blog. Each month or so, I will post a book I’m either reading or recommend that you read. But don’t take my word for it. Research it. Read the description—about the book and the author—and make up your own mind.

Scroll down to see this month’s pick on the right of your screen. If you haven’t already read Alice Hoffman’s book, Practical Magic, please do. If you’re a fan of the movie, fair warning, it’s very different. But Hoffman’s lyrically written prose should win you over as she is an incredible storyteller. And since it’s October, continue this bewitching theme by reading The Lace Reader and The Witch's Daughter. Both, very good books well worth your time.

P.S. You may also like What Are You Reading? and There Are a Lot of Books!

To find a used bookseller in your area, click here.

And if you find your way over to a Barnes and Noble, you can receive % off your purchase through October 10th using the code BNFRIEND at checkout online, or use this coupon at stores. 


Anonymous said...

I love books too, and I buy a lot of them, but I also barter with friends. Some books I keep and some I just give away. It depends. Thanks for the link for used books!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the discount!