November 3, 2015

Thank Goodness

It's hard to believe another November is upon us. It's even harder to believe that another Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I love the holiday season. But I wish I had an extra month or two just to slow things down to appreciate it all.

Last year, when I wrote about The Thankful Tree, I mentioned that Thanksgiving seems to be the forgotten holiday. We're in such a rush to get from one thing to another, Halloween decorations are barely off the shelves before the tinsel is stuffed in its place. Rush, rush, rush. Do, do, do. And to top it all off, retailers were starting to open ON Thanksgiving day, not just the day after.

Well, this year, there is some good news. I just read this morning that a little over a dozen stores will be closed this Thanksgiving! And am I ever grateful for that. Between all the hype of Halloween (yes, I'm in on it too) and Christmas, we forget that Thanksgiving is meant to be shared with family, not hundreds of strangers in a crowded mall.

So hats off to the following retailers who will not open their door this year, you have my undying gratitude. And I hope the list continues to grow.

Closed for Thanksgiving: REI, Costco, T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, Home Goods, Home Depot, Lowe's, BJ's, GameStop, Half Price Books,  Mattress Firm, P.C. Richard & Son, Staples, Von Maur, and At Home.