March 17, 2016

Book Money (Is There a Better Kind?)

How could I possibly walk by this outdoor bookstore without at least taking a peek? Impossible. I love books. And the fascination obsession has been handed down to another generation.

From the time my girls were little, they always called the bookstore, the library. We all had library cards, I took them to story time, we checked out books... but the bookstore was the place they wanted to be. 

My son was really into buying books through school. He loved bringing home those leaflets with his picks already circled with magic marker on almost every page. I ended up purchasing most of their childhood collections through these fundraisers. As of 1999, we owned every Berenstain Bear book published to date, as well as Dr. Seuss. I bet I could still read these books from memory today :)

Each week, we went to the library, and each week they tried to get me to go the other library. Once they were avid readers (all around fifth grade), I relented. However, I also taught them that if they wanted to buy a book, they would have to earn it. That's when I started doling out book money. 

If they got an A on a report card, they got book money. Birthdays, holidays, special days... more book money. Even more than a decade later, getting a bookstore gift card is the best gift we could give them. 

I always thought I would troll the bookshelves of dusty libraries in my old age, but if my children have any say, we'll be at the bookstore.

"I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building bookshelves." - Anna Quindlen

Photo: Tumblr.