April 4, 2016

How Organized are You?

Are you a list-maker or do scraps of paper litter your desk? Do you rely on your smartphone to keep you organized? A program perhaps?

I am almost all of the above. Which means, I'm not as organized as I could be. I'm definitely a notebook-pen-paper type of girl, but I finally ditched the wall calendar and let my iPhone do the talking.

That's when I found this: My Bullet Journal from the blog, A Daily Dose. Not only does Kara walk you through her system, she shares it like the secrets to her decoder ring - video and all. And then of course, if you're seduced (like I am) just by the look of the one notebook, pen, or other instrument that will finally be the answer to all of your organizational prayers, then you'll want to have a look see at these beauties.

Last question: Checker-offer? Scribbler? Or crosser-outer?

P.S. You may also like Weekend Challenge, Clear Out the Clutter, and Cleaning is My Therapy.

Photo: Dinuraj


Anonymous said...

I'm a crosser-outer. I have a typed to-do list that has spawned mini lists. :) Her list/system is intense!

Terri said...

I'm in love with Evernote. Everything I do is electronic but I'm starting to think I need back-up! Kara is extremely organized!

Susan said...

I need an intervention. I am a hopeless unorganized mess. ha! I'm taking these tips and buying a notebook today.

Kimberly Merritt said...

For the record, I am a crosser-outer! Once the list becomes too cluttered with all those lines, I start a new list...

Keep at it, ladies.