May 5, 2016

Wherever the Wind May Blow

I have been blogging regularly for the past three years. I enjoy sharing ideas and stories, and as I wrote in my bio, this is my place to remember and reflect. But I haven’t been happy with my blog platform for a long time now. As with all money decisions, I had to weigh the pros and cons of investing in a new one. Every time I did some research I was quoted outrageous prices, some as much as $10,000. Instead, I used my money to update its look, just a little, then a little more. I ran into a few mishaps along the way, namely a very unprofessional “web designer” who never fulfilled her promise. I had to change companies mid-stream and thankfully found a firm that could work with me and my budget. The money I wasted could have been used to make the switch. I moved on. I could at least update my writing.

Since I began blogging, I have switched things up a bit. What was once a design blog morphed into a lifestyle blog, and then, in my opinion, something a bit more than the usual lifestyle blog. As I started to focus on one aspect of my career (while the others started to fade into the background) I wanted the blog to follow along. I got excited about writing more in-depth and personal posts about motherhood, family, and various series about writing and the stages of the empty nest, to name just two. I have always been inspired by Anna Quindlen so I just recently starting writing a new series titled Life in My 40s. I realized that several of my posts fit under this umbrella, since....I've been writing these posts while in my 40s. I prefer the direction the blog is headed.

I’ve played around with topics, scheduling, and formatting until I found something I felt would be a good fit for all of my readers, and for me as well. But the blog also did something else. It filled a void. It allowed me to escape into the world of words I had missed so dearly.

But I am at a crossroads.

I’ve decided to take a small step back from my blog to work on a project I have wanted to finish for years. I have always been the kind of person who takes care of everyone else’s needs before my own: my children, family, work, and you, my readers. But I need to do this one thing just for me.

For now, I’m going to blog weekly when my schedule allows. I’m not going to worry about adhering to a strict schedule; it will simply happen organically, like when I first began. I will continue writing series and niche posts I hope will satisfy us both. I may want to bring in new writers to help fill the gaps, or I may decide not to. I’m not quite sure just yet. My goal is to still switch platforms, but this won’t happen until late spring (at the earliest) and soon after that, I’ll be heading off to my home away from home in June. Changes are occurring and I’m going wherever the wind may blow.

By next fall, I should be back in the swing of things. Or maybe I’ll try the slide instead. Either way, this blog isn’t disappearing, it’s just evolving as each and every one of us is doing each and every day.

I hope you’ll come along for the ride. Thank you for your continued support and thank you for reading.

Photo: Three Rivers Deep


smc said...

I enjoy your blog so much!! The authenticity with which you share your appreciation of the beautiful and the complex in this life makes me feel like I have a kindred spirit. I will miss the regularity of your postings but wish you all the best as you stretch your talents in other directions. I will continue to watch for your words.

Kimberly Merritt said...

What a lovely note, Suzanne. Thank you. As I said, I'm not going away, just giving myself a little breathing room and shifting priorities. Please do come back. I'll look for your comments.

Anonymous said...

I second what Suzanne wrote so eloquently. I will look forward to more.

Wendy Wrzos said...

I always enjoy your writing, Kim, and your honesty is one of the reasons why. Sending you kindred thoughts and lots of good wishes for wherever this journey continues to take you.
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